Should I vaccinate my Pet?

19 February 2022 | by admin | 1181 views

Should I vaccinate my Pet?

So we got a new family member, made a cute snuggly space for our new love to lay their head Welcome to Pet Parenthood. As a new pet parent we are nervous ,a bit scared with a million questions running through our head.
Lets discuss about  the question tops the list, Vaccinations! As any living being our pets are at risk to the evolutionary diseases if that of any. A quintessential requirement is for us to get our pets vaccinated.

The vaccinations range from self acquired diseases to ones that can be passed on to humans, In India, dogs are prone to three most common and lethal viral diseases – Rabies, Canine Parvovirus and Canine Distemper. Most importantly it is Rabies that we should worry about either for our beloved pets or us humans. Rabies if untreated is most certainly fatal and by law it is required that vaccine be administrated to your pet.

Are Vaccinations safe?

With the current advancements in science and technology the risk of reactions through vaccines are negligible and manageable where as the risks of not being vaccinated are both deadly and lethal!

When should I get my pet vaccinated?

Pets are typically vaccinated first at four weeks for canine distemper and canine parvo with the second booster dose usually being given three to four weeks later.
Your pet will then require annual vaccinations. As your pet grows into an adult it’s important to ensure you visit the vet and keep your Pet’s vaccinations up to date.

What if I miss/skip a vaccination?

By now it is clear that we should not skip or miss any of the vaccinations for our pets. But in the case of any such event we need to promptly come into action. Our pets are our responsibility so we need to prepare our pet, load up the car and drive to the Veterinarian immediately!
Or we could just skip the hassle!

Contact Magicvets to book a home appointment at your Doorstep.

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